Migrant Ministry

Migrant Ministry Mission

Our Lady of Guadalupe Migrant Ministry offers shelter, dinner, and breakfast to Spanish-speaking migrant men who either have no destination (no sponsor) or who need to work for some time to earn money to travel to their destination. Our capacity is limited to 32 individuals, on a first-come, first-serve basis, based on arrival by 6:30 pm. The time limit for a guest is 30 days. Upon arrival they must present their immigration documents and an A number. 

El Ministerio con Migrantes de Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe ofrece alojamiento, cena y desayuno a hombres migrantes hispanoparlante que no tienen destino (sin patrocinador) o que necesitan trabajar durante algún tiempo para ganar dinero y viajar a su destino. Nuestra capacidad está limitada a 32 personas, por orden de llegada, según la llegada antes de las 6:30 p. m. El plazo de estadía para un huésped es de 30 días. Al llegar deberán presentar sus documentos migratorios y un número A.

Donate to Support our Ministry

Thank you for your donation to our Migrant Ministry. Your contributions help us to respond better to the call of the Spirit to serve the least among us.

We now have an Amazon Wishlist!

Help us buy some of the items we need for our ministry. Thank you for your generosity. CLICK HERE or on the picture below to check out the items that we need.

Volunteers to bring food for Migrants

Voluntarios para preparar y llevar la comida

To volunteer: Para apuntarse, contacte a Emma Gonzalez MigrantMinistry@olgsd.org o haga click aquí para llamarle.

Volunteers to Accompany Migrants

Voluntarios para acompañar a los migrantes

To volunteer: Para apuntarse, contacte a

Emma Gonzalez MigrantMinistry@olgsd.org o haga click aquí para llamarle.

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