Liturgical Ministries

Liturgical Ministries

Every member of our parish is invited to serve in the liturgy. Our ministers help make the services at Our Lady of Guadalupe a joyful spiritual experience for thousands.

If you would like to serve in any of the following ministries, contact Dn. Javier Mozo.

What calls to you?

  • Young? Consider being an Altar Server!

    Our altar servers provide a special level of participation for our youth. The duties include lighting and extinguishing candles, carrying candles in procession, crucifer (carrying the processional cross), thurifer (carrying incense) and helping the priest prepare the altar for the Eucharist.

    We always need some youthful help!

  • Into organizing and preparing? Be a Sacristan!

    You support our liturgies by activities such as installing mics, ensuring linens are pressed and clean, altar vessels are kept safe, altar wine and altar bread are in adequate supply.

    Help the temple be at its best!

  • Gifted reader? Consider being a Reader!

    You will proclaim sacred Scripture during the Liturgy of the Word. Your ministry enables the Church to hear the Word of God more clearly and receive it with more open hearts. This helps to sustain the community and contributes to its ongoing conversion and mission.

    Proclaiming scripture is a gift!

  • Want to be up close and personal? Be a Minister of the Eucharist!

    When you give the Eucharist, you recognize Christ in those you serve. That is a personal moment, yet it is much bigger than the two of you.

    Extraordinary Ministers of Eucharist should be confirmed Catholics, at least 16 years of age, who themselves participate in the sacramental life of the Church. They will receive sufficient spiritual, theological, and practical preparation to fulfill their role with knowledge and reverence.

    Help others connect to God!

  • Friendly? Consider Hospitality!

    As an usher you greet people during Sunday Masses and distribute the bulletins. You take up the collection, manage the communion line, and assist anyone who is in need.

    Be the smile that brings them back!

  • Musically gifted? Consider Music Ministry !

    We invite you to share your gift of music during our Sunday Masses and special devotional liturgies.

    Fill the air with musical notes of faith!

  • Like social media? Consider the media team!

    Creating post for our social media

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